Blog Archive

Constitutionalism and Africa: Public Lecture by Martin Chanock on Wed 15 April

Eminent legal historian Martin Chanock will give a public lecture on Constitutionalism and Africa on Wednesday 15 April 2015. The paper is available for download. Professor Chanock’s fields of research span the legal history of colonisation, customary law and globalisation; constitutionalism and constitutional law; comparative law; African and South African law; anthropology and law; and …

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Zuma’s “real” 2015 address to National House of Traditional Leaders

President Jacob Zuma gave his annual address to the National House of Traditional Leaders on Thursday (March 5, 2014).  Deviating from his prepared notes, the President repeated problematic statements he has made before regarding land restitution. Much of this was said verbally, and was not in the official speech found on the Presidency website. Click …

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Job Opportunity at RWAR

RESEARCHER / COMMUNITY ADVOCACY OFFICER Opportunity to join the Rural Women’s Action Research Programme based at the Centre for Law and Society, University of Cape Town The Rural Women’s Action Research Project (RWAR), based in the Centre for Law and Society at the Faculty of Law at the University of Cape Town is an interdisciplinary …

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Seminar, 12 September: Raymond Suttner on Nelson Mandela’s Masculinities

THE RURAL WOMEN’S ACTION RESEARCH PROGRAMME (RWAR) INVITES YOU TO ITS LUNCH TIME SEMINAR SERIES: Nelson Mandela’s Masculinities with Prof. Raymond Suttner  Date: Friday, 12 September 2014 Time: 12h30 – 14h40 (light lunch from 12h15) Venue: Criminology Seminar Room, 6th Floor Kramer Building, Middle Campus, University of Cape Town Click here for directions to Middle Campus RSVP: Sue Wright ( or 021 650 …

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RWAR Seminar: ‘Marriage regimes from above and below’ – 15 August 2014

RURAL WOMEN’S ACTION RESEARCH PROGRAMME (RWAR) LUNCH TIME SEMINAR SERIES Marriage regimes from above and below: Preliminary thoughts based on South African research by Michael Yarbrough

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