By Monica de Souza Louw Pitting groups who are trying to assert their constitutional rights and traditional identities against one another not only threatens social cohesion, but also resembles divide-and-rule tactics used by the colonial and apartheid governments.
Tag: Constitutional Court
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Jun 09 2023
On 30 May 2023, the Constitutional Court declared the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 unconstitutional and invalid based on Parliament’s failure to conduct reasonable public participation. Various articles have been written on the court victory, and can be accessed below.
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Mar 06 2023
Activists in ConCourt to declare Traditional & Khoi-San Leadership Act invalid
By Bernadette Wicks A group of land activists are concerned about the act’s impact on customary and informal property rights, and say there was not adequate public participation before it was passed.
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Mar 06 2023
Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act challenged in Constitutional Court
By Takudzwa Pongweni The Constitutional Court has heard arguments regarding the public participation process before the passing of the contentious Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act. Activists argued that there was an abject failure to ensure their voices were heard.
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Mar 01 2023
Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act that ‘recreates the Bantustans’ heads to ConCourt
By Thiyane Duda Rural citizens argue that by signing the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, the President made the abusive actions of traditional leaders legal. They have no issue with the fact that, at last, the law recognises Khoi and San leaders and communities.
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