Tag: AgriSA

Who owns the land? Half an answer from AgrisSA land audit

Farmers’ interest group AgriSA last week released its own land audit. This filled in a major blank in the land reform and policy field: How many black emerging farmers have bought farms outside government’s land reform programme? We now have a part answer: they bought 4.3 million hectares. For this major research effort, which has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/who-owns-the-land-half-an-answer-from-agrissa-land-audit/

RWAR on Morning Live’s Discussion on Land

On 16 March 2015, Dr Aninka Claassens of the Rural Women’s Action Research Programme, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, CEO of AgriSA Hans Van der Merwe and Dr Mandla Buthelezi of African Farmer Association of South Africa were Morning Live’s to discuss the issue of land reform in South Africa. Below are the links to the videos, in four parts: …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/aninka-claassens-on-morning-lives-discussion-on-land-part-4/

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