Tag: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

Ingonyama Trust and the Ingonyama Trust Board should stop with PTO to lease conversions

On its appearance before the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform on Wednesday the 07th of March 2017, it was emphasized that the Ingonyama Trust and the Ingonyama Trust Board are public entities that must benefit the Zulu people rather than hinder their progress and development.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/ingonyama-trust-and-the-ingonyama-trust-board-should-stop-with-pto-to-lease-conversions/

Who owns the land? Half an answer from AgrisSA land audit

Farmers’ interest group AgriSA last week released its own land audit. This filled in a major blank in the land reform and policy field: How many black emerging farmers have bought farms outside government’s land reform programme? We now have a part answer: they bought 4.3 million hectares. For this major research effort, which has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/who-owns-the-land-half-an-answer-from-agrissa-land-audit/

Global news service flags rising community anger at miners and their allies

Reuters correspondent Ed Stoddard has taken a deep dive into the power politics of the politically connected elite that controls the revenues and opportunities that come with mining in rural areas and sees communities starting to test their strength. “A new power struggle is unfolding in South Africa’s old homelands between global mining giants, traditional …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/global-news-service-flags-rising-community-anger-at-miners-and-their-allies/

Constitutional Court affirms value of CPAs in traditional communities

On the 20th of August 2015 the Constitutional Court issued a resounding and unanimous judgment in support of democratic control of land in traditional areas. Finding in favour of the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela Communal Property Association, the Court set aside a 2014 decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal and ordered immediate implementation of an earlier ruling …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/constitutional-court-affirms-value-of-cpas-in-traditional-communities/

Asserting traditional leaders own land opens old wounds

IF THE past has nothing to say to the present, history may go on sleeping undisturbed in the closet where the system keeps its old disguises. — Eduardo Galeano. Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti is scheduled to meet the National House of Traditional Leaders on Friday following a standoff about implementation of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/asserting-traditional-leaders-own-land-opens-old-wounds/

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