Tag: Khoisan


On 30 May 2023, the Constitutional Court declared the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 unconstitutional and invalid based on Parliament’s failure to conduct reasonable public participation. Various articles have been written on the court victory, and can be accessed below.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/in-the-news-tkla-judgement/

South Africa’s traditional leadership proposal, the TKLB, is desperate and dangerous


The Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill (TKLB) currently before Parliament is both dangerous and desperately last ditch. It poses a direct threat to the basic rights of the poorest South Africans – the 18 million people living in former homeland areas, where the law would apply – in that it seeks to legalise a version …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/south-africas-traditional-leadership-proposal-tklb-desperate-dangerous/

Khoi-San leaders challenge premise of TKLB at public hearings, demand land

Communities of the Western Cape are not all buying the premise of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, which proposes different forms of recognition for Khoi-San traditional communities and those in the former Bantustans. Participants at public hearings last week at Swellendam and Oudtshoorn largely welcomed the proposal of the Bill, which allows for the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/khoi-san-leaders-challenge-premise-tklb-public-hearings-demand-land/

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