By Nkosikhulule Nyembezi In the many years since I studied the public participation comments in legislative processes involving customary law in Parliament, I can see another daunting set of circumstances for an ANC president aspiring to re-election to tackle issues affecting rural communities.
Tag: land expropriation
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Sep 29 2022
Portfolio committee adopts report on Land Courts Bill
By The Bill will now be sent to the National Assembly for adoption and then referred to the National Council of Provinces.
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Oct 01 2019
South Africa’s lands must be shared
The return of land to black South Africans, ‘expropriation without compensation’, is once again a crucial issue for the government. There have been proposals for transfers, and a few actual transfers, for 25 years, but now there is strong pressure, with threats of action, from the radical left.
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May 02 2018
Traditional leaders – not rural citizens – are at the centre of the land expropriation debate
Land expropriation without compensation has already galvanised much public debate and contestation among leadership from all sectors, but what does this mean for people living in rural areas?
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Mar 05 2015
Dikgang Moseneke: Constitution allows for land expropriation*
At a public discussion on the land question in Johannesburg on Friday, February 27, Dikgang Moseneke, the Deputy Chief Judge of the Constitutional Court, began his remarks with a well-known quote from Frantz Fanon: “For a colonized people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which …
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