Farmers’ interest group AgriSA last week released its own land audit. This filled in a major blank in the land reform and policy field: How many black emerging farmers have bought farms outside government’s land reform programme? We now have a part answer: they bought 4.3 million hectares. For this major research effort, which has …
Tag: Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill
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Oct 05 2017
Why red lights are flashing over consultation on communal land bills
Making their way through the legislative process are nine bills of seminal significance to people living on rural communal land. The Alliance for Rural Democracy appeals to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) in particular to uphold the constitutional rights of those most likely to be affected and to consult the communities concerned.
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Jun 17 2014
Settlement of land claims slumps ahead of reopening of claims process
As the government prepares to give a second chance to people whose land was taken from them under colonial and apartheid rule, the office responsible for land restitution has reported to parliament that the settlement of claims had slowed to a trickle.
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Jun 02 2014
Land Rights Amendment Bill must go back to Parliament*
THE Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill is on President Jacob Zuma’s desk — along with a letter asking him not to sign it. The bill, which would give people whose land was taken from them between 1913 and the end of apartheid a further five years to claim it back, was adopted by the National Council …
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May 13 2014
Haste over land rights bill not just in aid of buying votes*
AMONG the slew of “priority” laws hastily adopted at the final sitting of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) was the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill. This is an exact replay of what happened in 2004, when the contentious Communal Land Rights Act was unceremoniously rammed through Parliament just as it closed for a …
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