During Parliament’s fifth term, many Bills were introduced that bear a potentially significant impact on people living in rural areas or as part of traditional communities.
Tag: Traditional Governance
Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/public-engagement-on-traditional-leadership-bills-what-parliament-did-well-and-where-it-was-lacking/
Oct 17 2017
NCOP gives 24-hour deadline for comment on TLGFA amendment
The National Council of Provinces gave citizens just 24 hours from Sunday to submit comments on an amendment Bill of vital interest to rural communities subject to traditional leadership and the councils they dominate. That deadline has already lapsed. But anyone interested to protect their rights against further encroachment by often illegitimate Traditional Councils should …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/ncop-gives-24-hour-deadline-for-comment-tlgfa-amendment/