Tag: ukuthwala

Jezile Ukuthwala Judgment Signals Progress and Continuing Challenges

A girl will learn very early in life how the society she inhabits measures her value, and what gender roles she is expected to adhere to.  Ukuthwala cases involving brutality lay bare the importance of questioning and undermining gender norms that are detrimental to girls and women, whether these standards are part of the status …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/jezile-ukuthwala-judgment-signals-progress-and-continuing-challenges/

Documentary on Ukuthwala raises important questions

“Ukuthwala: Stolen Innocence” (watch below) is a 2011 documentary produced by the World AIDS campaign and directed by Fiona Summers and Damien Steward. The documentary focuses on ukuthwala, a practice where girls and women often are abducted and forced into marriage. Historian Elizabeth Thornberry notes that “men who have committed these abductions defend them as …

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Jezile Appeal Highlights Difficult Questions About Ukuthwala and Violence*

Are rape and force legitimate parts of custom? When a man raises ukuthwala as a defence to rape, assault and trafficking, what consideration should these assertions be given? The answers to these questions are not simple, and are dependant on what one’s view or definition of culture is.  It is for this reason that the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/jezile-appeal-highlights-difficult-questions-ukuthwala-violence/

Outrage as men traditional leaders oust women from initiation debate*

Outraged responses poured in on social media yesterday after the Daily Dispatch published the comments of male traditional leaders who rebuked their female counterparts for speaking out against the death toll associated with initiation practices in the province. More than 500 boys have died as a result of initiation practices in the last eight years, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/outrage-men-traditional-leaders-oust-women-initiation-debate/

Violent forms of ukuthwala reveal longstanding brutality against women

To understand South Africa’s present condition, in which violence against women and girls is endemic, we must travel back to an unfamiliar past. Digging deep, answers can be unearthed to questions about forms of gendered abuse that unrelentingly flourish today. It is important to do this work, as violence against women cannot be eradicated without …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.customcontested.co.za/violent-forms-ukuthwala-reveal-longstanding-brutality-women/

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