AWETHU! is a ‘platform for social justice and accountability’ – a common vehicle to connect and amplify individual voices, and reclaim our government from political and economic elites.
AWETHU! is not a new organisation and does not seek to replace existing initiatives. It will function by providing a series of platforms on which those committed to social justice and political accountability can unite on specific demands. It will seek to grow networks and strengthen relationships between those working in NGOs, social movements and community based struggles. It is a collective effort not owned by any one organisation.
AWETHU!’s first task will be to put our electoral system on trial by undertaking lifestyle audits, demanding that political parties reveal the sources of their campaign finance, and analysis of election manifestos from a social justice perspective. Future work will hold to account our oversight institutions and capital, as well as speak out on the state’s progress and decisions in realising social justice.
Click here for a statement of intent elaborating on our principles, purpose, and short term action plan.
As the interim steering committee* (see below), we invite you and a colleague from your organisation to attend a meeting on:
Thursday, 28th November
Venue: Braamfontein Recreation Centre, Johannesburg
Corner Juta and Harrison Street
(Opposite Damelin College)
Time: 1:30 – 5:30 pm
Parking is available at R 16 for the day.
The purpose of the meeting will be to:
– Expand the range of organisations participating in this initiative
– Discuss the initiative’s name, vision and plan of action for January 2014 – May 2014
– Identify ways of working that will be inclusive and give space to ‘new’ voices.
Should you be available to join us, kindly rsvp to as soon as possible. Limited support for travel is available, and will be provided on an equitable basis.
In solidarity,
AWETHU! steering committee
*Background on steering & leadership
Organisations involved in the Initial conversations about this initiative, or who have pledged their support include:
Afesis Corplan, Black Sash (BS), Centre for Law & Society (UCT), Charities Aid Foundation Southern Africa, Community Law Centre (UWC), COPAC, CORE, Cormsa, Corruption Watch, Democracy From Below, Equal Education, Equal Education Law Centre, FXI, Heinrich Boell (HBF), Ivory Park Solidarity Economy Cooperative, Jo’burg People’s Pride, Few, Khanya AiCDD, Legal Resources Centre, Library Association of South Africa, Local government Action network, Media Monitoring Africa, My X Counts Campaign, Ndifuna Ukwazi, New Women’s Movement, Oxfam, PMG, R2K, SACC, SACSIS, Section27, SERI, SJC, Sonke Gender Justice, Studies in Poverty & Inequality Institute, Students for Law and Social Justice, SWEAT, TAC.
An interim steering committee of was appointed in a meeting held on 7 October, JHB. At this stage it is not an elected committee, but is comprised of persons who volunteered. It includes representatives from the following organisations: Democracy from Below, COPAC, Section27, Sonke Gender Justice, Jo’burg People’s Pride, Local Government Action, Centre for Law and Society (UCT), Community Law Centre (UWC), Black Sash and SWEAT. Individuals from SOS campaign, HBF and Oxfam were also invited to participate. A more representative steering committee will be established as the initiative grows.