Amahlathi court victory to disestablish imposed senior traditional leadership

On 27 June, Honourable Mr Justice Mageza at Bhisho High Court in the Eastern Cape granted an order  to disestablish the senior traditional leadership over Amahlathi traditional community. The case was brought by the Amahlathi Cri­sis Com­mit­tee, rep­re­sent­ing eight vil­lages near King Williams Town. The Com­mit­tee was rep­re­sented by the Legal Resources Cen­tre.

The court victory comes after years of struggle by the community to prove that according to their custom they do not have a chief. Mr Luvuyo Maqoma was imposed in 1982 by Sebe, the former President of the former Ciskei. The dispute even went to the Eastern Cape Committee of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims. Based on the Commissions recommendation the former Premier of the Eastern Cape, Noxolo Kiviet, made the final decision confirming Mr Luvuyo Maqoma as the senior traditional leader of Amahlathi.  This decision was set aside by the court.

Please follow the links to the court order and the Legal Resources Centre’s press statement

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