By LARC, 7 June 2021
On 14 May 2021, LARC researcher, Nokwanda Sihlali, participated in a radio discussion with Chief Land Claims Commissioner (CLCC), Nomfundo Ntloko-Gobodo on Power FM.
In the course of the discussion, Ms Sihlali raised the issue of widespread complaints by community members about obstacles in the processing of land restitution claims in North West. However, in response to a question by the host, Ms Sihlali made statements which it is now understood, may possibly have been understood to constitute an allegation of corruption on the part of Mr Lengane Bogatsu, who is the senior manager responsible for restitution in North West Province though that was never the intention. Should any of these statements have been misconstrued as aforesaid, LARC and Ms Sihlali unreservedly apologise. LARC has subsequently liaised with the CLCC to clarify this matter.
In light of the concerns raised, the CLCC pledged her commitment to rooting out any corruption within the land restitution process, an undertaking that LARC commends. To assist in resolving issues that continue to thwart the restitution process, we have committed to working with the Commission on Restitution of Land Claims and to provide it with further details about the problems and delays that some land claimants have reported in the finalisation of their land claims. These demand further investigation.