LARC attended ARD partner workshop on Section 25

The Alliance for Rural Democracy (ARD) convened a gathering of activists across the rural and urban sectors in Cape Town on Sunday and Monday, 9 and 10 September 2018. The workshop was followed by a march to the National Assembly.

The workshop was held at the Cape Lodge Hotel. It aimed to discuss and develop constituency specific demands for implementation of an effective pro-poor programme of land reform.

Representatives included restitution claimants, members of Communal Property Associations who have received land through the land reform programme, farm workers and dwellers, labour tenants, people living in communal areas across the country including under the Ingonyama Trust, people living in former ‘Coloured reserves’ and representatives from urban informal settlement and inner city communities.

The ARD and associated organisations, including LARC, are concerned that the current debate around expropriation without compensation has diverted attention from the failures of the land reform programme. They plan to mount a campaign to advance the analysis, findings and recommendations contained in the report of the High Level Panel on the Assessment of Key Legislation and the Acceleration of Fundamental Change chaired by former President Kgalema Motlanthe so that these can be implemented.

To download/read the People’s Land March to the National Assembly Memorandum, please click here.

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