LARC presents in Tshishimani’s “Will Expropriation give life to a failing Land Reform Programme” series


Since the introduction of the phrase “expropriation without compensation”, the debate on the land question has never been the same.

“Pressure on government to deliver land has intensified, while urban masses have resorted to land occupations in response to growing landlessness, poverty and unemployment as a result of COVID-19. In 2020, government published a new Expropriation Bill, which sets out how government might carry out expropriation, in line with Section 25 of the Constitution (which has yet to be amended). With the Expropriation Bill currently open for a second round of public comment, Tshisimani is offering a series of briefings which will cover the history and politics of expropriation, and look closely at the content of the Bill, with the aim of ensuring the dynamic participation of activists, organisations and communities in the public participation process.”

The 3rd Seminar in the Series focused on the Bill’s treatment of unregistered rights. LARC Land Team Leader Zenande Booi made a presentation focusing on the progress and gaps that exist in the Bill’s provisions related to the expropriation of unregistered land rights.

Click here to watch the video sessions!


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